Hello! English Club helps you get better at English. If you come to the meetings often, you will get better at speaking and listening. The meetings are fun, casual and friendly. Tell your friends about my club.

You must be 14 or older to go to the meetings.

HEC Facebook Group

HEC Zalo Group

Questions and answers

  • Who is the leader? – Sean Laurence is the leader.
  • Where and when do you meet? – It’s in Vinh at LAK Coffee. We meet every Saturday night at 8 PM. You should check the FB group or Zalo group. I always post there about the meetings.
  • Can anyone come to the meetings? – Anyone 14 or older can come.

You must be 14 or older to come to the Hello! English Club meetings. The discussion topics, activities and games aren’t made for young kids. They’re made for high school and university students (and older). When young kids come to a meeting, they quickly get bored. It’s great that young kids want to practice their English in the real world, but Hello! English Club isn’t the right environment. Thank you for understanding.

Bạn phải từ 14 tuổi trở lên để đến với Câu lạc bộ Tiếng Anh HEC. Các chủ đề thảo luận, hoạt động và trò chơi không dành cho trẻ nhỏ. Chúng được tạo ra cho học sinh trung học và đại học (và lớn hơn). Khi những đứa trẻ đến một cuộc họp, chúng nhanh chóng cảm thấy buồn chán. Thật tuyệt khi trẻ nhỏ muốn thực hành tiếng Anh của mình trong thế giới thực, nhưng Câu lạc bộ tiếng Anh HEC không phải là môi trường phù hợp. Cảm ơn bạn đã hiểu.

  • Is it free? – Yes, it is.
  • How do I register/sign-up for a meeting? – You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to ask for permission to come to a meeting.
  • I’m bad at English and I’m shy. Should I come to a meeting? – You should come. We will help you. You will become more confident if you go to meetings often.
  • Where are the handouts for the meetings? – Here are the handouts from 2016 to 2020. Handouts after 2020 can be found in the FB and Zalo groups.
  • When did HEC start? – It was started in March of 2016 by Sean Laurence.